
Fiction Writing

In lesson 4 I asked you to start a notebook divided it into three sections.

Section-1 is to record scene details, situations that you find yourself in that may be the beginning of a fictional scene in a story or book that you are writing.

In this lesson, add the next two sections.

Section-2 is to record names.  When you see or hear a name that intrigues you and you say to yourself, “That could be a name that I would use in my story,” write it down.

Some names I on my list:

  • Emily Mattison – I plan to use this name for a child in a novel I am writing
  • Becky – I plan to use this name to be the protagonists’ first love
  • Lucy – I plan to use this as the name of the protagonists’ final love
  • I am looking for a name for a fictional very well known senator who has lived a hypocritical life, something that sounds good but that is synonymous with the devil.  One name I am considering is Samael—Angel of Death or Prince of Demons.  It wouldn’t work if he was Jewish because most of the Jewish faith would understand but here in South Alabama, some would think that his mother and dad just decided to use a different spelling.  They have probably called him Sam all of his life.  In the end, the name is perfectly suited for him.
  • Molly
  • Hattie
  • Conrad
  • Ival
  • Lucius
  • Harley
  • Sydney
  • Rose

Section-3 is to record character details.  List things that make an individual stand out to you.  Some of my details are:

  • Cigar smoking, deep crusty voice.  I wonder if his vocal chords have been damaged because of his smoking.
  • I remember my next door neighbor as very smart.  A fellow second grader, she could spell a lot more words than me.  I was wow’d when she spelled hippopotamus.  I didn’t have a clue.  She didn’t tout her skills in any way that made me feel insecure.
  • Mr. Rhoades could eat an apple and chew tobacco at the same time.  It was kind of sickening watching him.  He had no manners and he had a spit cup on his desk and another one he kept on the seat of his car.  It was always scary riding with him, hoping that thing didn’t turn over when he made a left turn.

Expand your lists as much as you like and refer to them when you need inspiration.

I will continue to offer suggestions for you to build a personal database of thoughts and ideas to draw from as you develop your stories.

Until next time, I Thank You for reading my words.

by Wayne Brady 8/4/2012

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